It’s been more than a week, I know. Things got a bit busy and since I am chief cook, bottle washer and everything else around this office, I have to set some priorities. Blogging is way down the list when clients are demanding my … Continue reading...
Category: Long Term Care

“Choosing” a Nursing Facility Part Le Deux: They tried to make me go to rehab but I said ‘no, no, no’
Last week, I wrote about how it is that we really have very little to say in the matter when the decisions are made about taking our aging loved one to a nursing or rehabilitation center when they have a serious health issue arise.… Continue reading...
Cash Assistance for Veterans – Help Offset the Cost of Long Term Care
Lately there’s lots of “advisors” out there talking about Veterans Benefits. Many are also hawking annuities and “planning services” (creating trusts etc.) to make Veterans Eligible for these benefits. Meh!
The VA Enhanced Pension – often erroneously referred to as “Aid & Attendance Benefits” … Continue reading...
Senior Citizens and — Sex?
Yep. Old people gettin’ it on.
For all the ads for Viagra or Cyalis or other drugs to help men with “Sexual Dysfunction” there seems to be no shortage of older folks have no trouble whatsoever doin’ it.
For folks that work in nursing … Continue reading...
New Year – New Committment to Improving Long Term Care
I long ago stopped making impossible New Year’s resolutions. I quit smoking when I was ready to quit (I think it was in September, no New Years involved); I’ve never succeeded at dieting at any time of year. Ditto exercise though I do swim … Continue reading...
You Have a Right to Make Health Provider Choices
It’s Christmas eve and I’ve just been catching up on some back reading, including our local weekly papers, The Hook and Cville Weekly. In the latter publication, there was a reference to an article in the November 27 issue regarding hospice. I noted in … Continue reading...
Hospice Care – And Now a Widow
For the past three years, I’ve watched my father struggle with age and debilitating disease.
My mother, his primary caregiver, also declined over this period, the emotional and physical strain causing her to age and struggle more than she might have otherwise.
We were … Continue reading...
Prosecuting Elder Exploitation in Virginia
The Virginia State Crime Commission recently completed its task of reporting on efforts to enact laws to protect vulnerable elders from financial exploitation.
You can read their easy to read and understand report here
Only recently issued on November 13th it includes a really … Continue reading...
Family Values – Includes Multi-generational families
I don’t know about you, but I’ve been hearing about the “sandwich generation” for some time now.
In my life as an advertising executive (eons ago) we identified the “sandwich generation” as a distinct demographic (or “psychographic”) — one worthy of our attention in … Continue reading...
Long Term Care — Planned For It?
Typically, the first time someone calls me it is because they need a Will or other estate planning documents.
In the course of our initial consultation, I ask lots of questions, some of which is intended to draw out what their plans are for … Continue reading...