I’ve written a lot about the process of choosing an Assisted Living or a Nursing Facility or other alternatives. Actually what I’ve typically written about is the lack of choice we have in such matters and that most of us arrive at that weigh … Continue reading...
Category: Medicare
“Choosing” a Nursing facility- troisième partie
It’s been more than a week, I know. Things got a bit busy and since I am chief cook, bottle washer and everything else around this office, I have to set some priorities. Blogging is way down the list when clients are demanding my … Continue reading...

“Choosing” a Nursing Facility Part Le Deux: They tried to make me go to rehab but I said ‘no, no, no’
Last week, I wrote about how it is that we really have very little to say in the matter when the decisions are made about taking our aging loved one to a nursing or rehabilitation center when they have a serious health issue arise.… Continue reading...
“Choosing” a Nursing Home? Bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha!
Lately, I seem to see lots of articles, blog posts and general hot air on “choosing a nursing home.”
Bad news for most of you. Very unlikely you’ll get much choice in the matter. I don’t recall ever seeing people walking through the front … Continue reading...
Potentially Significant Change to Medicare Benefits
I’ve been reading about a case in Vermont, a class action suit, that is poised for a settlement agreement (awaits judicial ok) that would significantly alter the benefits available under Medicare for skilled care and therapy services. For the better in my opinion. I … Continue reading...
Long Term Care — Planned For It?
Typically, the first time someone calls me it is because they need a Will or other estate planning documents.
In the course of our initial consultation, I ask lots of questions, some of which is intended to draw out what their plans are for … Continue reading...
BREAKING: New “Nursing Home Compare” System released by Medicare.gov
This has always been a useful tool, but it has recently be substantially upgraded and now provides much better data in easily navigatible screens. You can search for nursing facilities by any number of means, state, county, within a specific zip code or by … Continue reading...
ObamaCare and Medicare — what’s the REAL Impact?
Now that the dust is beginning settle, and hopefully, some of the political posturing will subside, its time to look at what is actually in “Obamacare” (or, more officially, the Affordable Care Act) Most of us in the field of Elder Law are concentrating … Continue reading...